Easter week and weekend were a blast! The kids participated in 5 egg hunts, lots of parties and hung out with lots of friends! Here's a recap of what we've been up to lately!
pool time with neighbors!
Hunt at Harvey's Preschool
helping him!
All his school buddies
my girl got a big girl hair cut at the salon
she should the dryer was hilarious!
We also went to Seaquest and she got to hold this bird!
Easter egg hunt at the park by our house!
I finally cashed in my Christmas present and went to see Brooks and Dunn and Reba!!!!!!!
It was awesome, amazing and soon cool!
Our little 3.5 year old can ride a big boy bike!
In preparation for Easter we got Trevi her first bible!
always reading!
this guy was very interested!
I need one of these as a pet asap
Easter morning baskets!
attempting some yard work!
salad in Gramps' famous bowl
We dyed eggs!
concentrating so hard
this project is always WAY messier than I imagine
I'm obsessed with fresh flowers these days!
Trevi has been writing a ton and this is a song for me.
"even when i'm bad to her..." :(
Easter Sunday
Ready to serve at church!
My little monkey man
Hanging with some buddies!
Brett has a new girlfriend!!
We officially own a truck now and it's super fun!!!
He only had to go to Salt Lake to get it.
Brett's song... wonder who the fun one is in the family!
Harvey is happy about the new truck!