This is going to be a bit of a random post but I wanted to give an update on some stuff going on in our household! First, let me start but saying how much I love the new blogspot website and updates! It makes life so much easier! Now, because it is officially fall and I am pregnant as all get out, I have
been in the mood to bake fall treats and then unfortunately enjoy them
all by myself. Sad, I know but the baby is happy! Ok, now for something sweet!
I have been using a website called Pinterest and if you have never heard of it or checked it out you really should! It is a total time waster but in such a great way. You create a little miniature wesbite, per say, that keeps all the things you would like to look up and find later. Your friends post stuff on the main page and you can choose to "repin" their stuff to your page and keep it for a later date. You can also take websites or ideas that you like straight from the internet and keep them for later! Sounds confusing but it's not! I love that I can keep recipes, pictures, decoration ideas and silly other things at my fingertips for later browsing. No need to go and hunt down the things you want back from internet land because let's be honest, you might never find it again! All that being said, and hopefully clearly understood, lets get to my sweet treat from yesterday. I saw this recipe someone else posted on Pinterest and knew I had to have it for my fall baking arsenal!
Pumpkin Muffins
the dry ingredients
adding the wet stuff to the dry! Notice the yummy orange color... that's the pumpkin!
Last but not least add some raisins (I also added craisins for good measure) and top these babies with a cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg mixture! Bake and enjoy!
Note... I would not put them in paper lines next time because they stuck to the bottom and sides. Just grease your pans instead.
Click below for the recipe:
Next sweet treat on the list was something very fall as well:
Spice Cake
Not so pretty sitting in the pan but let me tell you, a slice of this stuff is Yummy!
Isn't she pretty! I later topped it with powdered sugar to serve to the ladies at the office!!
Again, click below for the recipe (courtesy of my favorite chef Ms. Giada)
Ok, so for dinner tonight I went even more fall and served these roasted brussel sprouts! Before you close my blog and consider me crazy you really should try these! I happen to love brussel sprouts and I know others can learn to love them too! These were roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper and then dusted with a little Parmesan cheese before serving! Honestly, they are delicious!
Pretty and roasted!
Since Brett and I have our first house, I thought it would be fun to do a little decorating for each holiday that we spend here! I decided to embrace fall here in the Northwest and bring in some fun things to make our place more homey!
I cannot resist these cute little pumpkins! The little black and white ones are salt and pepper shakers!!
Here is a photo of my trusty sidekick, Pete! He sits in the kitchen so patiently while I bake and cook and then nabs up all the scraps faster than I can clean them up!! He is great to have around especially on the days when Brett is working a 12 hour shift at the hospital!
I have not been as great as I would like to be about posting a weekly pregnancy picture, let alone taking one so here is my 35 weeks picture a few days late. I am actually 35 weeks and 2 days in this picture but hey, who's counting... Well, I am darnit! I have been having an interesting last few days in the pregnancy world filled with contractions, cramps, aches and pains. Nothing is very severe or enough to warrant a trip to the hospital but I am hoping it does mean the process it getting start! The baby also feels super low now because all the movements (and there are lots and lots of them) are jabbing me in the pelvis. So, come on baby get out here and meet the world! We want to know what you are!!!
35 weeks and 2 days.
Please do not judge me for wearing PJ pants. It's Sunday, I am 4 weeks away from giving birth and they are darn comfortable!!