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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

 LOTS and Lots of Trevi photos!


 playing with daddy

 she is a stander!

 first kiteboarding... now wakeboarding lessons

 silly daddy!

 She's 5 months old!

 look at those strong neck muscles!

 loves her feet!


 silly pose (dad's idea)

 haha, poor girl always has such dry skin and a chapped face.

 tummy sleeper!

 she may have made the switch

 reading Charlotte's Web

 How big is Trevi... SOOOOO Big!

 this girl seriously makes me laugh

 she loves to laugh!

 hey, what are you doing with my feet mom!?!?!

I'm this tall!!!!

1 comment:

Bo Teodoro said...

Loved these most recent pictures! Especially the airplane & kiteboarding lessons!