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Friday, April 13, 2012

 Some random photos from the week!

Trevi and I enjoying my morning latte!  Notice the bright shining sun on the magazine on the coffee table.... Trevi was up unusually EARLY this particular morning.

 Brett is just dying for the day when T will snuggle with him and take a nap.  He is trying to lull her to sleep by singing!

 Spring in our neighborhood!

Morning bday walk! She's asleep under there!

 Afternoon bday walk! I can't think of any better way to spend my day! We walked, had lunch at the park and then came home to dad just getting up for dinner before heading to work!

 Attempting to get out of the chair. Or just rolling around in it!

Our little peanut all ready for Maui in the cute outfit grandma got her!

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